Begin a Smartphone application suitable for the enterprise, which is predominantly Requesting continuous movement of workers or is not feasible to use other ways of working time of the registration.
Using a smartphone application, all staff arrivals and departures, hours worked, and the exact location of internet-based media immediately visible. Your smartphone in real time with minimum cost to transfer data. The entire data exchange between smart devices and servers is automatic. The capture of the Internet connection is stored and forwarded to the web application on the smartphone data network connection is restored.
Using the application is displayed on the screen smartphone employee feedback the current time / break of the associated object. Working time is the beginning and lõpeamisel location positioning. There is always a time to see whether the process is currently underway or already closed.
If the company is the distribution of working hours to different projects or work, you can use smart devices, pre-filled the kinds of labor workers the choice to select the operating hours of the types of work. Throughout INFORMATION is transmitted in real-time Internet-based software, and then it is possible to draw up detailed reports on the distribution of working hours.